Eucharistic Revival Update Author: Reverendísimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Bishop's Blog 16 Ago 2023 Share National Eucharistic Revival On June 11, 2023, the National Eucharistic Revival moved from the Year of Diocesan Revival to a focus within our parishes for the Year of Parish Revival. The purpose of this year is to discern how we might “heal, form, convert, unify, and send” parishioners through a “rekindled relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist.” In the Year of the Parish Revival, each parish is invited to prayerfully discern how they can work together to answer four key invitations as evangelists of the Eucharist in our homes, communities, and world. The USCCB desires for all parishes to experience renewal inspired by the four pillars of the Revival (learn more about each pillar here): Reinvigorated Worship Personal Encounters Robust Formation Send Missionaries The Diocese will be sharing more detailed resources and support for parishes to embrace this in the weeks to come. In the meantime, I invite parishes to spend time in prayer, particularly before the Blessed Sacrament, to discover what the Holy Spirit may be asking them to do during this year. A Playbook for the Year of Parish Revival is available on the revival site here. National Eucharistic Pilgrimage One very unique aspect of the three-year National Eucharistic Revival is the pilgrimage that will begin on the weekend of Pentecost, May 17–May 19, 2024, and follow four routes—the Marian route (north), the Seton route (east), the Juan Diego route (south), and the Serra route (west). You can read about the exact starting locations and pilgrimage paths on Each route will walk with Jesus across the country for approximately two months. All four groups will meet in Indianapolis on July 16 to attend the National Eucharistic Congress from July 17–July 21, 2024. I’ve been blessed to participate in many pilgrimages in my life, including the International Pilgrimage at the Shrine of Fatima in Portugal last summer and World Youth Day, also in Portugal, this summer, and a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Years ago. All these pilgrimages serve to remind us that we are on a pilgrimage in this world, journeying to reach our final destination, which is heaven. During this journey or Pilgrimage, we encounter many challenges and difficulties, and they are meant to help us grow spiritually and reach holiness in life. Parish Leader Convocation On September 9th, the Diocese will once again host the Parish Leader Convocation. This special event is open to all Parish, Catechetical, & Ministry Leaders, Catechists, and Volunteers. One important aspect of this annual event is to help every person serving, in any role in the parish, prepare themselves as a missionary, evangelizing disciples. This work of encouraging and supporting others to grow in their faith and relationship with the Lord is not just for a few people in our churches but for truly very every single baptized Catholic. Group or Individual Registration Available—click here for more information The day will begin with Mass, at which I will be the main celebrant, followed by the Keynote Address from Catholic radio host and author Katie McGrady Prejean. We are pleased to also offer a panel discussion on What’s Working in Parish Life. I hope you will join us in September and come as a parish; it’s a wonderful opportunity as well to prepare for the Year of Parish Revival.Yours in Christ, Bishop da Cunha Reverendísimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. The Bishop of Fall River Audio Version provided by Audible Local Ledger. Listen Now. Categorías Mensajes del Obispo In the News Press Releases and Statements Bishop's Blog Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Related Posts Bishop's Blog 30 Jun 2021 Created Anew and Eucharistic Revival Revitalizing the Diocese In a post-pandemic world, among the challenges we face is to bring our Catholic faithful back to the Church. We need to reach the 80% of the … Read More Press Releases and Statements 10 Jun 2022 Faithful Invited to Join Bishop da Cunha to Launch the Eucharistic Revival FALL RIVER— Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., will launch the nationwide Eucharistic Revival initiative in the Diocese of Fall River with a special Mass and procession on Saturday, June … Read More Press Releases and Statements 27 Oct 2022 National Leader of Eucharistic Revival Movement to Offer Free Webinar for Diocese FALL RIVER — The Diocese of Fall River joined dioceses across the country in June to launch the National Eucharistic Revival as a response to the challenge of an alarming … Read More