New Beginnings for School and NCCW Author: Reverendísimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Bishop's Blog 30 Ago 2023 Share Welcome Back to Diocesan Catholic Schools Yesterday, August 29th, marked the first day of school for many of our Catholic schools in the Diocese. To all members of our school communities -students, teachers, staff, and administrators: Know of my prayers for each of you as you embark on another academic year. May the Lord abundantly bless all your efforts — whether teaching or learning — with His grace, wisdom, and understanding. I look forward to visiting the schools throughout the upcoming year; what an enjoyable opportunity it is for me to see what is happening in our classrooms, to talk with students and staff, and, when able, to celebrate Mass or special prayer services. We’ve come so far in the last three years, and it is clear we will continue to grow in our Diocese’s goal to offer the very best Catholic education. National Council of Catholic Women Convention Over the weekend, I was blessed to travel to Salt Lake City, Utah, to attend the installation of Beth Mahoney, a member of our Diocese, to the office of President of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW). Founded in 1920 by the U.S. Catholic bishops, the NCCW “acts through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service.” Beth Mahoney of the Fall River Diocese assumes a two-year term as President NCCW As I shared in my letter of congratulations to Beth, this esteemed position is a testament to her unwavering commitment, exceptional leadership, and tireless efforts in service to the Church and to God’s people. Beth has shown in so many ways her generosity and dedication in service to our local Church in the Diocese of Fall River and now shares her talents and leadership with the whole country. Her many years of service to the Church have touched the lives of many people locally; now, the tent has been widened, and she will have an opportunity to touch the lives of many more. Installation of new NCCW Officers; Bishop Oscar Solis and Bishop da Cunha Beth Mahoney’s election and installation as president reflect the trust and confidence that members of the NCCW have in her many gifts and thoughtful leadership. I am glad to have been a part of her journey, and I am grateful for all she has done for our Diocese and for our people. Archbishop Timothy Broglio and Bishop da Cunha — NCCW Convention Closing Mass As the President of the National Council of Catholic Women, Beth has an incredible opportunity to shape the future of this great organization and advance its mission. Although this new role comes with great responsibility, I have no doubt that her vision, integrity, and passion will serve to inspire and encourage women to embrace their faith and make a positive impact on the lives of others. Bishop Oscar Solís (Salt Lake City), Beth Mahoney, Fr. Tom Washburn, and Bishop da Cunha On behalf of our Diocese, I congratulate Beth. I am very glad I was able to be present at the NCCW Convention to concelebrate its closing Mass with Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services and president of the USCCB. It was also nice to be a part of the installation ceremony and the festive celebration of all the hard work accomplished in the past year by the many NCCW members across the nation. Yours in Christ, Bishop da Cunha Reverendísimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. The Bishop of Fall River Audio Version provided by Audible Local Ledger. Listen Now. Categorías Mensajes del Obispo In the News Press Releases and Statements Bishop's Blog Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Related Posts In the News 9 Sep 2019 Diocesan Woman Installed in NCCW Leadership Post ATLANTA, Ga. — Nearly 700 members of the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) from around the country met in Atlanta, Ga. from August 26-29, 2019 for their annual convention, … Read More In the News 31 May 2018 New Bedford School Administrator toBecome Principal of St. Margaret Regional BUZZARDS BAY – Ms. Beth Mahoney (in photo) has been named as the new principal for St. Margaret Regional School, Buzzards Bay, effective July 1. Mahoney is the current vice … Read More In the News 9 Jun 2022 Diocesan School Leaders Complete BC’s Post-Grad Catholic Leadership Cohort FALL RIVER – In order for Catholic schools to continue to thrive and be strengthened for the future, the leaders of Catholic schools need to be able to think strategically … Read More