Diocesan Eucharistic Encounter Author: Reverendísimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Bishop's Blog 11 Sep 2024 Share Source and Summit Saturday, September 7, we arrived at our long-awaited Diocesan Eucharistic Encounter and were blessed with nearly 1200 participants! What a magnificent way to conclude the three-year National Eucharistic Revival and embark upon a lifetime of sharing the Good News of Christ, truly present in the Eucharist! My opening words during Saturday’s homily were, ” It is good to be here,” echoing those of St. Peter at the Transfiguration as he gazed upon Jesus in His glorified state. This sentiment should be in each of our hearts as we look upon Jesus in His Eucharistic state. We came together on Saturday for prayer, reflection, Adoration, and since the gymnasium was quite warm, maybe even a little penance. The core elements of my message were simply three words: Meeting. Meal. Memory. First, the word—meeting. We come together to encounter Jesus and hear His word. We meet one another and share our faith in each other. We see that people who have a true and meaningful encounter with Jesus, whether those we read in the Scriptures or the saints and even those we meet in ordinary moments are never the same again. I pray that everyone in attendance had a good experience on Saturday. Next, I discussed how the word meal was significant to our time together at the Eucharistic Encounter. During Jesus’ time on earth, we often read about how people come to Him for that meeting or encounter. They were hungry spiritually for what Jesus had to offer; however, as carnal beings, Jesus saw the need to feed them. We witness this in a most miraculous way during the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. Beyond our physical needs, Jesus is most concerned with our spiritual well-being. He offers Himself in the Sacraments and through an outpouring of His grace to help feed our need for forgiveness, wholeness, holiness, hope, and love. So, consider for yourself: What hunger can Jesus satisfy in you? Lastly, I shared some thoughts on the idea of memory and how each of us would take different memories from the day and carry those with us to the rest of the world as missionaries. We shared meals, both a Eucharistic one at the altar and a boxed one on the many picnic tables outside. In the Mass, we heard the words Jesus shared at the Last Supper with the Apostles — take and eat, take and drink, and do this in memory of Me. They were tasked with keeping Jesus’ teachings alive. Two thousand years later, we are still keeping that memory alive! Can you imagine the world if those men kept all that to themselves and never shared the message with others? Having encountered Christ, we will never be the same again. Yes, my dear friends, it is time for us to take up the torch with the fire that these three years have ignited and bring it forth to others. It is my hope and prayer that the faithful, whether present on Saturday or not, will accept the call to be missionaries, not holding back all the Eucharistic Lord longs to bestow on the world. The Day’s Highlights I was pleased that our Eucharistic Encounter drew a wide cross-section of parishioners from many areas and parishes of the Diocese. I think it was truly representative of the diocesan family. The day’s program featured two sessions each of music, prayer, and talks in English, Portuguese, and Spanish by three engaging speakers. I am grateful to Chris Stefanick, Bishop Christiano Barbosa (of Boston), and Father Hugo Cano (of the Worcester Diocese) for their time with us and their inspiring messages. Along with their presentations, our Eucharistic Encounter also offered reflections on vocations from three of our priests, an opportunity for Confession, an exhibit on Eucharistic Miracles, vendors, lunch, and a separate program designed especially for children. We closed the day with Adoration and Benediction. As the program ended, and in the days since, I have heard from many people who shared their very positive experiences from the Eucharistic Encounter and gratitude for the opportunity it presented for renewal, for inspiration, for enrichment. My prayer is that the spirit of the Encounter will remain with them and that they will in turn share it with others – in their families, parishes, everywhere! In my homily, I quoted something Bishop Cozzens (of Minnesota) said of our nationwide Eucharistic Revival: it is not meant to start a program, but to start a fire. This is to be a fire of love for Jesus in the Eucharist. May Saturday’s Eucharistic Encounter ignite such a fire in our Diocese. In Gratitude The Diocesan Eucharistic Encounter could not take place without hard work and dedication of the entire staff of the Secretariat of the New Evangelization, many of the Diocesan staff, the planning committee — David Carvalho, Irina Robinson, Deborah LeDoux, Deacon Frank Lucca, Oscar Rivera, Eric Rodrigues, Fr. George Harrison, John Kearns, Marian Desrosiers, Beth Mahoney, Kathy Banalewicz, Ann Marie Melanson, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, Juan Galli, Deacon Tom Palanza, Diocesan Real Estate & Facilities. And, of course, the multitude of incredible volunteers who helped in so many different ways. A special thanks to those who served as Master of Ceremonies at the Mass Fr. John Garabedian, Deacon Alan Thadeu, Deacon Christopher Paul. Our many musicians—Erik Thompson & members of the multi-parish choir (Mass), English Worship Team, Liz Cotrupi-Pfunder; Músicos Portugueses, Matheus Araujo e músicos da paróquia de S. Jose, Falmouth Músicos; and Españoles, Erick Perez y músicos de la parroquia S. Antonio, New Bedford. Also, the Emcees for each of the breakout sessions — Allison Gingras (English), Fr. Thiago Santos (Português) and Angel Velasquez (Español). Additionally, I would like to thank all the Priests and Deacons of the Diocese who helped spread the word and supported this effort in any way, and of course, to those who were able to join us for the day, especially for Mass and to hear Confessions. A special thank you to all who attended; I pray your day was filled with many blessings. May we continue to fan this fire with our faith and devotion to the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist! Yours in Christ, Bishop da Cunha Reverendísimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. 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