EASTON – The Diocese of Fall River’s Catholic Parent Advisory Council (CPAC) and the S.E.A.L. Foundation are pleased to sponsor Richard Solomon, Ph.D. to lecture on “Neuro-Diversity – The Brain and How Your Child Learns.”

This free event is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30, 2019 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Stonehill College McCarthy Auditorium in Easton, Massachusetts.

In his presentation, Dr. Solomon will explain how we all learn differently, and the development of the scientific concept of neurodiversity. Because neurological differences are now recognized as a human variation and not a disability, Dr. Solomon explains learning differences in this context and connects how children learn or do not learn. A question and answer period will follow Dr. Solomon’s presentation.

“We are very honored to have an expert of Dr. Solomon’s caliber present to our families and communities,” according to Sandi Drummey, Assistant Superintendent for the Diocese of Fall River. “There is a real need for educators and parents to better understand learning differences, and we hope this lecture will provide a foundation of understanding. We encourage everyone to attend who has an interest in understanding learning differences.”

Kerry Peroni, Founder of the S.E.A.L. Foundation adds, “It is so important for parents to know that they have resources to help them navigate the education of a child with learning differences. Understanding how your child learns is the first step in this process. We will be available to all parents with additional guidance after Dr. Solomon’s lecture.”

Dr. Richard Solomon is the Clinical Director of Delta Consultants, a multi-disciplinary clinical practice, located in Providence. Dr. Solomon completes neuropsychological evaluations, child, adolescent and family therapy in his practice and supervises pre and postdoctoral interns and residents. He consults to numerous schools throughout New England and in other parts of the country. He is an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at the University of Rhode Island and the past president of Prevent Child Abuse-Rhode Island. Dr. Solomon presents on neurodiversity and learning differences nationally.

For more information or to register, please go to www.catholicschoolsalliance.org/neuro-diversity/.

About the Catholic Schools Alliance
The Catholic Schools Alliance comprises administrators, teachers, staff, parents and clergy joined in partnership to educate the children of the Diocese of Fall River in Catholic faith and values. Our schools have a demanding educational culture that helps students from across the academic spectrum reach their God-given potential. With an emphasis on service and respect for the dignity of every person, we prepare students to meet the challenges of today’s diverse world and become meaningful contributors to society.

About The Catholic Parent Advocacy Council (CPAC)
The Catholic Parent Advocacy Council (CPAC) is open to all families within the Diocese of Fall River. CPAC offers families a forum for discussion and sharing about the challenges and successes experienced when parenting children with learning differences.

About the S.E.A.L. Foundation
To provide funding for specialized education in non-public schools so that all children, even those who learn in different ways, can be afforded the opportunity to attend a school of their choice.


Reverendísimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
Reverendísimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
The Bishop of Fall River