FALL RIVER—The 83rd Catholic Appeal, “Renew the Face of the Earth,” has closed with the annual campaign raising more than $4.5 million to support the work of the Church across the Diocese of Fall River. More than 15,000 individual donors made gifts and pledges to sustain the Appeal’s longstanding mission of serving those in greatest need.

The success of this year’s Appeal is a testament to the commitment of the faithful of the diocese to help those in great need. It is also a strong sign of how parishioners stand collectively to uphold the teachings of the Church by serving as the hands and feet of Christ here on Earth.

In his call for support of this year’s Catholic Appeal, Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V. shared, “There is a personal dimension of the Holy Spirit’s work dwelling in each one of us. The Spirit inspires us to live virtuously and encourages us to make a positive difference in our communities. There is evidence of the impact of the Catholic Appeal everywhere in our diocese.”

“To the thousands of individuals who supported this year’s Appeal and to all of the pastors who partner with us, please know how grateful we are. The Catholic Appeal truly supports our faith in action. In our schools, churches, food pantries, homeless shelters, hospitals, and more—this support flows to each corner of our diocese,” said Miriam Finn Sherman, Chief Executive Officer of the Catholic Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts. “Gifts of all sizes to the Catholic Appeal help propel spiritual and corporal works that shine the light of Christ.”

In addition to donations that came into individual parishes throughout the Diocese, over $1,000,000 in gifts to the 2024 Catholic Appeal was collected from friends and supporters consisting of individuals, corporations, and organizations unaffiliated with a specific parish.

There is still time to watch this year’s Catholic Appeal video featuring the work made possible throughout the diocese thanks to donations to the Appeal. The full-length video can be viewed at www.catholicfoundationsema.org/video-gallery. The Catholic Foundation website also includes a series of “Ministry Moment” videos focused on individual diocesan programs.

The need for support of the many agencies, ministries, and programs of the Diocese of Fall River, and the demand for them, remains strong. The Catholic Foundation encourages the faithful to show their support of our brothers and sisters in need throughout the year. Donations can be made online at any time at givefrdiocese.org or mailed to the Catholic Appeal office at 450 Highland Ave., Fall River, MA 02720. They may also continue to be dropped off at any parish in the Diocese.

Diocese of Fall River
Diocese of Fall River
Office of Communications