United in Faith and Community and World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life Author: O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Blogue do Bispo 29 Jan 2025 Share The Value of Catholic Education Throughout the Diocese this week, parishes and schools are celebrating Catholic Schools Week, an annual event to share the lifelong value of a Catholic education. This year’s theme – shared in last week’s blog – is United in Faith and Community. This theme is synonymous with the mission of our schools as they are places where faith, learning, and service converge to form students’ hearts and minds in service to God and the greater good. Our schools are forming the next generation of individuals to lead with compassion, wisdom, and a deep sense of serving their communities and those in the greatest of need. Prayer for Catholic Schools Week: Heavenly Father, Your light shines brightly in your children. You have inspired us to do good deeds in your name. Bless this school and all who work to make your will known in the world. We ask this in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Increasing Access to Catholic Education As our school communities strive to serve those in the greatest of need, we also recognize that efforts must continue to increase access to affordable Catholic education. Our schools cannot be learning centers for only some. That commitment to serve also extends to those who cannot afford tuition. As many families as possible should have the opportunity to benefit from our schools’ faith-filled and transformative learning experiences. Through expanded tuition assistance programs such as the Foundation to Advance Catholic Education (FACE), we are working to make Catholic education more accessible to all. According to FACE, almost 1,000 students in the current school year benefited from needs-based awards ranging from $250 to $2,750 per student. If you are considering a Catholic school for your son or daughter, please complete the FACTS financial aid application by March 31. (English, Spanish, or Portuguese.) Together, let’s invest in the future of our students and strengthen our mission to provide a high-quality, values-driven education. Every year, Catholic Schools Week provides the opportunity for our schools to celebrate their rich community traditions and tell their great story of how Catholic education has formed young people to go further and serve, lead, and impact the common good. I welcome every family to consider contacting one or more of our Catholic schools to truly experience the difference of Catholic education, Daniel S. Roy, Superintendent of Catholic Schools for the Diocese of Fall River Why Catholic Schools? The first question many families ask is why pay for a Catholic education when they can get a public education for free? That’s a valid question. In addition to an education grounded in faith, learning, and service, the outcomes or ‘return on investment’ of a Catholic education are impressive. For example, Catholic schools report high graduation rates and 85 percent of Catholic school graduates pursue a college education. (Did you know that many Catholic colleges and universities offer special scholarships to Catholic high school graduates?) Recognizing Men and Women Religious Celebrated each year on February 2, the World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life welcomes the faithful to recognize the countless contributions of men and women who have dedicated their lives and work to God through religious vows. The annual observance was started by Pope Saint John Paul II in 1997. This special day not only honors their commitment but also encourages and reminds us to appreciate the witness of their faith. Let us pray for an increase in vocations to religious life. May the men and women religious of the Diocese of Fall River continue to inspire us to zealously live out our own faith with fervent pride. I look forward to celebrating a special liturgy on Saturday, February 8, at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption at 4 p.m. to recognize their selfless dedication. During this Mass, we also recognize the anniversaries of those celebrating milestone years of service. Please pray for our men and women religious as they, too, work tirelessly to share the good news of Christ. Sincerely, Bishop da Cunha O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. The Bishop of Fall River Categories Sem categoria Mensagens do Bispo In the News Press Releases and Statements Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Related Posts Blogue do Bispo 22 Jan 2025 United for Life, Catholic Schools Week and the Early Success of the ‘Stronger’ Initiative In this week's blog, Bishop da Cunha discusses Catholic Schools Week, the Walk for Life, Word of God Sunday and provides an update on the 'Stronger' Initiative. Blogue do Bispo 2 Fev 2022 Celebrating Community, Consecrated Life, and Catholic Schools The Ongoing Synodal Process Despite the post-holiday spike in Covid cases and the bitterly cold and snowy New England weather, parishes are beginning to roll out Synodal Consultation sessions. The … In the News 16 Set 2020 Community Supports Diocese of Fall River Catholic Schools and Families FALL RIVER – The Diocese of Fall River, the Catholic Foundation of Southeastern Massachusetts and the Foundation to Advance Catholic Education (FACE) are pleased to announce awards for financial support … Read More