Ambassadors for Christ Author: O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Blogue do Bispo 10 Nov 2021 Share Parish Ambassador Formation Last Saturday, November 6, 123 ambassadors from 91% of parishes in the Diocese came together for a Parish Ambassador Formation Day. The day, organized by the Secretariat for the New Evangelization in conjunction with the ad hoc Revitalization Committee, marked the beginning of conversations on how to journey together in the synodal process. Participants heard two presentations from Tim Glemkowski, who is the founder and president of L’Alto Catholic Institute, a not-for-profit apostolate dedicated to helping parishes form disciples. The first addressed, “Why does the Church exist?” and the second, “How to enact the Mission.” Several members of the Revitalization Committee also presented. The day was designed to bring Parish Ambassadors together to connect and equip for the next step—Preparation for and Implementation of Consultation Sessions. To conclude the day, Parish Ambassadors joined me for the 4 p.m. Mass at St Patrick’s church in Wareham, at which I commissioned those Ambassadors present. During my homily, I reminded them to never underestimate the power and impact we can each make with a simple yes to God. We can learn so much from the widows included in the weekend’s readings. What we have to offer may seem insignificant, but in those moments when we give God our yes, grace abounds. The simple acts of trust displayed by these women teach each of us how to be more dependent and to more fully rely on the providence of God. In their poverty, the widows carved out a capacity for God that was transformative. The jar does not go empty nor does the generosity go unnoticed. How now, guided by the Holy Spirit, can we respond to whatever the Lord asks of us? In our own way, we must decide what we can offer God from our time, talent, and treasure. Those who have accepted the invitation to be Parish Ambassadors have given their “yes,” have opened their hearts to make a difference in our Diocese, and for that, I am very grateful. We will certainly see over the next few months how this generosity impacts our parishes, communities, and Diocese by the fruit it bears. FACE 27th Annual Fall Scholarship Dinner On Wednesday, November 3, the Foundation to Advance Catholic Education (or FACE) 27th annual Fall Scholarship Dinner returned to White’s of Westport for a remarkable evening to raise much-needed scholarship funds to bring our schools within the financial reach of more students. We are so grateful to all of the generous benefactors and supporters of Catholic education in our Diocese, and to be able to be together this year. It was wonderful to be able to thank so many of them in person. A video highlighting sponsors and donors along with messages of thanks from a number of our school communities is available on the FACE website. From Left to Right: Emcee – Kait Walsh, Co-Chair – Janna Lafrance, Bishop Edgar da Cunha,Guest Performer – Matt Maher & Co-Chair – John Feitelberg This year’s event also included the presentation of the Timothy J. Cotter Friend of Catholic Education Award for exceptional service to Catholic education to Dennis Kelly. Dennis is a FACE Board member, Chairman of the Bristol County Savings Bank Charitable Foundation, and former President and Chairman of the Board of Bristol County Savings Bank, and a loyal advocate for Catholic education in the Diocese of Fall River. The success of the annual Fall Scholarship Dinner is due to the hard work and dedication of chairpersons Janna Lafrance, of Lafrance Hospitality, and John Feitelberg, President, Hub International, and the entire FACE scholarship dinner committee. Our Catholic schools and organizations like FACE work tirelessly to make it possible for our children to learn and to grow in a safe, nurturing, and faith-filled environment. We are also grateful to Emcee Kait Walsh of WPRI Channel 12 for guiding the evening along, and to Matt Maher for blessing us with his inspirational words and music.The full event video can be viewed here: Thank You Veterans On Thursday, November 11, the nation will celebrate Veterans Day. In honor of their service and sacrifice, I ask you to take a moment tomorrow to remember our veterans with a prayer. A Prayer for Veterans Help us, dear God, to see your face in every Veteran we encounter. Guide us as we imagine new ways to support Veterans and their families. Bring healing and peace to all who have been wounded physically, mentally, and spiritually during wartime. Help us bring your saving grace to heal the invisible wounds of war. We ask this in Jesus’ holy name. Amen. Yours in Christ, Bishop da Cunha O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. The Bishop of Fall River Categories Sem categoria Mensagens do Bispo In the News Press Releases and Statements Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Related Posts In the News 10 Nov 2016 Veterans Day Prayers The annual observance of Veterans Day in the United States on November 11th has it roots in the the armistice that ended World War I hostilities in 1918. 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