Bishop da Cunha Building Faith Blog Fall River Diocese

Rediscover Catholic Schools

While admittedly, I might be partial, I do believe that Catholic schools in the Diocese of Fall River are some of the finest; they continue to impress me with the outstanding programs and educational experiences they offer. Last year, to answer many of the misconceptions about Catholic education, which often prevent families from exploring a Catholic school as a viable option for their children, the Catholic Schools Alliance launched the “Did You Know” campaign. This included concerns about special education, the quality of Catholic teachers, and the affordability of Catholic education; you can read more on their website.

Diocese of Fall River Catholic Schools Alliance: Rediscover Catholic Schools

The Catholic Schools Alliance invited families to share how our Catholic school students are spending their summer. These images, which are helping the students and staff stay connected over their vacation time, have been posted on the Alliance’s Facebook page.
For those looking for employment, there are several openings across our diocese for teachers, substitute teachers, substitute nurses, custodians, and extended care employees. Learn more about these wonderful opportunities by clicking here.

Supporting Catholic Schools

I invite you to join me for the 25th Annual Foundation to Advance Catholic Education (FACE)
Summer Gala celebration at the Wianno Club, 107 Sea View Avenue, Osterville. The Gala will take place on Thursday, August 4, 2022, at 5:30 pm and will include dinner, the presentation of the Al Makkay, Sr. Award, raffles, and a live auction. There will also be a special appearance by the Cape Cod, a cappella group —Hyannis Sound. The host for this year’s Gala is Kevin Matthews, Sr. VP of Programing of iHeartMedia Cape Cod. For more information, please email or call at 508-380-7521. 
Proceeds from the Summer Gala will support FACE in its mission to ensure that no child is denied the opportunity of attending one of our Catholic schools due to financial hardship. Toward this end, FACE provides “needs-based” scholarships to assist with the cost of tuition. Did you know that since 2015, FACE has awarded over $4 million in scholarships to students across the Diocese?

Attending Mass during Vacation 

With Confirmations behind me, now, during the summer, I enjoy traveling around the Diocese to celebrate Masses. On occasion, I have the opportunity to help on Cape Cod, where many parishes increase the number of weekend Masses to accommodate the summer tourists and visitors. Interestingly, on the Cape, some of our parishes also provide Masses at chapels or mission churches, some open year-round, others seasonally. Whether by architecture, history, or location, some of these chapels are unique places in which to worship or even simply to visit. If you find yourself traveling or vacationing on Cape Cod, I invite you to take advantage of the Masses and other opportunities for worship offered in our parish churches and chapels. For further information, please visit our diocesan website or
I pray you and your family are enjoying what has, until recently, been near-perfect weather. I also pray that you have been able to safely resume many of the summer activities that perhaps you’ve had to forego during the last two years. May the Lord continue to bless and keep you, and please know of my continued prayers.
Yours in Christ,
Bishop da Cunha

O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
The Bishop of Fall River