For 2021, the annual March for Life in Washington, DC, set for Friday, January 29th, will look a little different this year. In light of recent events in the Capitol and with the on-going pandemic, the annual rally will take place virtually. The March for Life committee invited a small group of pro-life leaders from across the country to march in Washington, DC this year and asked others to join them watching from home. These leaders will represent pro-life Americans everywhere who, each in their own unique ways, work to make abortion unthinkable and build a culture where every human life is valued and protected.
Every year the Fall River Diocese is well represented at the annual March for Life Rally in Washington, DC, by a great number of clergy, students, and pro-life advocates. 


While January is Respect Life Month, the USCCB reminds the faithful, “The annual Respect Life Program is a year-round, nationwide effort to help Catholics understand, value, and become engaged with building a culture that cherishes every human life. The U.S. bishops produce materials each year to assist you in these efforts”  and provide resource materials designed to “be brought to life as tools in your hands.” These resources may be downloaded, printed, and reproduced for use in your parish, school, or ministry to help build a culture of life and can also be adapted for either in-person or virtual use. Learn more about these on the USCCB Respect Life website.

Pro-Life Apostolate

The Pro-Life Apostolate & Project Rachel Office is working with the diocesan schools to have a ProLife Enrichment week for the students. Some local events have already occurred, with a Pro-life Mass scheduled for Friday at 6:30 pm with Holy Hour following at 7 pm at Mt. Carmel in Seekonk, MA. The office has just launched an updated pro-life website where people can find various resources, including a Rosary for Life and an outline of March for Life virtual events.

Upcoming Catholic School Week

National Catholic Schools Week (CSW) is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. If there were ever a year to celebrate the Diocese of Fall River Catholic schools, this is definitely that year! Catholic Schools Week begins Sunday, January 31, and continues through February 6, 2021. The 2021 theme is Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.  I will highlight the creative ways our schools celebrated in next week’s blog. To learn more, visit Diocese Of Fall River Catholic Schools Alliance or your children’s school website.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Bishop da Cunha

O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
The Bishop of Fall River