2018 Catholic Charities Appeal Enters Final Weeks Author: Diocese of Fall River In the News 13 Jun 2018 Share FALL RIVER — The Fall River Diocese 2018 Catholic Charities Appeal is entering its final weeks, and Appeal officials encourage those who have not yet made their donation to do so before its June 27th conclusion. As on Monday, June 11, the Appeal had raised slightly over three million dollars. Anyone can track the progress of the 2018 Appeal by visiting its website at www.frdioc-catholiccharities.org and checking the status bar, which is updated daily. Running totals for individual parishes in the diocese are provided under the Appeal Highlights menu tab. Funds collected through the Catholic Charities Appeal fund the charitable programs, agencies and ministries sponsored by the Fall River Diocese to respond to those in need of spiritual and material assistance. This assistance is given without regard to race, creed, nationality, gender, or economic status. Last year, 94 cents of every dollar contributed to the Catholic Charities Appeal was directed to the services and programs it supports. “Being able to assure people that 94 cents of every dollar they donate will go directly to assist people in need is a distinct plus for us here in the Catholic Charities Appeal office,” said Appeal Director Michael Donly. “It has helped us establish a very positive relationship with the thousands of donors from the 82 parishes across the diocese. They know we are doing all we can to be good stewards of their generosity, and that we take pride in our efforts to do just that.” Contributions to the 2018 Catholic Charities Appeal can be made online at www.frdioc-catholiccharities.org; dropped off at any parish in the diocese; or mailed to the Catholic Charities Office, P.O. Box 1470, Fall River, Mass. 02722. Please contact that office at 508-675-1311 with any questions. Diocese of Fall River Office of Communications Categories Sem categoria Mensagens do Bispo In the News Press Releases and Statements Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Related Posts In the News 16 Jun 2017 Appeal Enters Final Days;Supporters Encouraged to Make Their Donation FALL RIVER — With less than two weeks to go, the 2017 Fall River Diocese Catholic Charities Appeal has entered the homestretch, and Appeal officials are asking those who have … Read More In the News 20 Jun 2016 2016 Catholic Charities Appeal Enters Final Days The Fall River Diocese 2016 Catholic Charities Appeal is entering its final days, and Appeal officials encourage those who have not yet made their donation to do so before its … Read More In the News 26 Abr 2016 75th Catholic Charities Appeal Begins withInvitation to Open Your Heart to Mercy FALL RIVER – As the Church worldwide responds to Pope Francis call for a special Year of Mercy, the Fall River Diocese begins its annual Catholic Charities Appeal on May … Read More