Diocese to Hold Special Collection to Support Relief Efforts in Haiti Author: Diocese of Fall River In the News 20 Ago 2021 Share FALL RIVER ̶ Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., has authorized a special collection in the Fall River Diocese to support the people of Haiti and recovery efforts in the Caribbean country following last Saturday’s massive earthquake and the tropical storm that battered the island only a few days later. Pastors and administrators of diocesan parishes have been asked to schedule this special collection to be taken up at Masses in a forthcoming weekend and to inform parishioners about this opportunity to offer financial support for this critical cause. The Fall River Diocese will forward the proceeds of this special collection to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Emergency Disaster Fund. This fund will support pastoral and reconstruction needs of the Church in Haiti as well as the efforts of Catholic Relief Services and/or Catholic Charities USA, the relief agencies of the U.S. Catholic Church, as they and their local agencies respond to immediate emergency needs and aid in long-term rebuilding efforts there. Parishioners who choose to support the collection should make their check payable to their parish and note “Haiti Relief” in the memo section. In a letter to priests on the collection, Bishop da Cunha referenced the grim news being reported on Haiti since the earthquake: the substantial loss of life, the destruction of homes and buildings, and the scarcity of food and adequate shelter in many areas. The recent calamities in Haiti “only compound the challenges already facing our Haitian brothers and sisters who have long endured economic and political instability,” the bishop noted. “It is clear that they need our help.” He also asked that parishes remember the Haitian people in the intentions offered in the Prayers of the Faithful at Masses. “Along with financial assistance, we must also focus our prayers for their healing and for lasting recovery in the weeks and months ahead,” he said. Donations to the Haiti Relief collection may also be sent directly to the Fall River Diocese at 450 Highland Ave., Fall River, MA 02720. Please mark “Haiti Relief” on the check memo line as well as on the envelope. Diocese of Fall River Office of Communications Categories Sem categoria Mensagens do Bispo In the News Press Releases and Statements Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Related Posts In the News 24 Out 2016 Special Collection to Support Hurricane Matthew Relief Efforts FALL RIVER — Earlier this month Hurricane Matthew devastated significant parts of the Southeast coast of the United States and some countries in the Caribbean, especially Haiti. In response, Bishop … Read More In the News 31 Ago 2017 Diocese to Take Up Hurricane Relief Collection FALL RIVER — Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., has authorized a special collection in parishes of the Fall River Diocese to support the victims of Hurricane Harvey and to … Read More Press Releases and Statements 22 Fev 2023 Bishop Asks for Special Collection to Support Victims of Earthquake FALL RIVER — Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River have been invited to join together to offer financial support along with their prayers for all those affected by the … Read More