FALL RIVER — With its intent to provide parishioners and benefactors with a better understanding of how their support enables the mission of the Catholic Church in Southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod, the Fall River Diocese has published a State of the Fall River Diocese Report, 2014-2019

The online report offers a look at the many ministries, services and offices of the Fall River Diocese including their mission, some historical perspective and notable recent accomplishments, along with information from the most recent diocesan annual financial audit, and more. Its three sections center on mission, administration and finance.

“Unlike the previous Chancery Operations report…this document is designed to share a much broader perspective of the objectives, goals, challenges, and finances for the many ministries in our Diocese,” writes Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., in his letter of introduction to the report.

“I am hopeful that providing the financials, along with more context, gives all of you a better understanding of how our Diocese is benefiting from your generosity.”

The State of the Fall River Diocese Report is available on the diocesan website. Its online publication is announced in this week’s the diocesan newspaper, The Anchor (August 21, 2020), and it will be shared through diocesan social media and other available channels.

Kevin R. Kiley, who is the Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer for the Fall River Diocese, explained that the State of the Diocese Report helps to celebrate the five-year anniversary of Bishop da Cunha’s installation as Bishop of the Diocese last year.

Kiley states in the report, “There have been many accomplishments since then; many are celebrated in these pages to help give you added perspective with regard to the mission as well as the administrative and financial aspects of the organization.”

The first-ever audit of the Diocese of Fall River Chancery Operations was done in 2017. The most recent audit, for the period ended on June 30, 2019, was completed earlier this year by the international audit firm of Grant Thornton LLP, and its statements and reports are already available on the diocesan website.

This State of the Diocese Report continues the “path” begun by diocesan financial leadership with that initial audit in 2017, Bishop da Cunha explained, and follows recommendations from a volunteer commission of parishioners that met last year to consider ways to improve diocesan governance.

“As I mentioned in my pastoral letter (Reflections on Five Years – Continuing the Mission, March 2020), one of the essential tasks of a bishop is governing the Diocese in such a way as to promote the whole mission of the Church,” said the Bishop. “He has to be a good steward of the resources in a diocese.”

In closing his letter in the report, Bishop da Cunha offers his gratitude for the time, talent and treasure already offered by so many and recognizes that there is still much to do.

He writes, “I pray we continue Christ’s mission together for the future of our Diocese and our Church.”

Read the State of the Fall River Diocese Report, 2014-2019.

O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
The Bishop of Fall River