“Men’s Meat and Greet” On Tap for May Author: O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Press Releases and Statements 18 Abr 2023 Share EAST FREETOWN — Men of the Diocese of Fall River are invited to a new and exciting event planned for this spring. Food, fellowship, and formation will all be part of a “Men’s Meat and Greet,” to take place Saturday, May 6, at Cathedral Camp in East Freetown, from 5 to 8 p.m. It will include a barbeque, supersized yard games, and a talk by husband, father, author, and entrepreneur Tyler Rowley. The event is being held jointly by the Men of St. Joseph apostolate of St. Francis Xavier Parish, Acushnet, and the Fall River diocesan Secretariat for the New Evangelization. Planners say this “Men’s Meat and Greet” is not only for men who are already plugged into their parish and practicing their faith but also for men who do not yet know the Lord or who are not currently living a life of faith. “Revitalization and renewal in the church will come by way of renewal in the family,” said Deacon Chris Paul, who is director of Adult and Child Discipleship in the Secretariat. “Catholic men need to see and to intentionally live their role as spiritual leaders. We hope that this event can be a step in that direction. Many men who have fallen away might not be comfortable just jumping back in; going to Confession, attending Sunday Mass or beginning to pray. But what guy doesn’t love a BBQ -with plenty of bacon- and some fun events? It is a non-threatening environment and the perfect atmosphere for evangelization where the witness of the men of the diocese can really impact the men who aren’t in the pews on Sunday. When you add Tyler Rowley into the equation, we hope that this will be a fun, powerful and really memorable night for the men of our diocese, wherever they may be in their faith.” Jason Hamel leads men’s ministry at St. Francis Xavier Parish and has also been involved in youth ministry. He says he has noticed a strong trend: children who grow up with a father who regularly practices his faith tend to maintain their connections to their faith into adult life. “If we want to save our kids’ faith, we have to help fathers to be strong in their faith,” he said. “I heard about a great event happening in Connecticut called a Men’s Meat and Greet. I thought that it would be a perfect event to appeal to both younger and older men. After speaking with Sam Todzia, the founder of the event in Connecticut, I reached out to Deacon Chris Paul, and we put our heads together to make this happen for men in our area. We want to support the faith of our men and build strong families!” Rowley, who will offer a talk at the event, is a Providence native who resides in Rhode Island and serves as president of Servants of Christ, which works to support life, family and the Catholic faith through media and activism. He is author of the 2021 book, Because of Our Fathers: Twenty-Three Catholics Tell How Their Fathers Led Them to Christ, and is currently at work on a second book of stories highlighting the dignity of every human life. On the grill at the “Men’s Meat and Greet” will be pulled pork, burgers, hot dogs -and 50 pounds of bacon- while a variety of games such as giant cornhole and slingshot and a tractor pull will be in play on the grounds. The cost is $15. and registration is required. Interested men may sign up Interested men may sign up online here or by using the QR code on the posters found in the bulletin or the back of parish churches. Questions should be directed to Deacon Chris at 508-658-9089 or by email, cpaul@dioc-fr.org O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. The Bishop of Fall River Categories Sem categoria Mensagens do Bispo In the News Press Releases and Statements Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Related Posts In the News 9 Ago 2019 Parish Totals Announced for 2019 Catholic Charities Appeal FALL RIVER — As announced last month, the 78th Annual Catholic Charities Appeal in the Fall River Diocese raised $4.1 million through the support of more than 20,000 generous donors. Provided … Read More In the News 18 Set 2020 Parish Totals Announced for 79th Annual Catholic Appeal FALL RIVER–The 79th Annual Catholic Appeal raised more than $3.5 million through the support of 16,000 generous donors. Here are the individual parish totals throughout the Diocese of Fall River. … Read More Press Releases and Statements 18 Abr 2023 Appointments, Retirements Announced Diocese of Fall River OFFICIAL His Excellency, the Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D., Bishop of Fall River, has made the following appointments: Reverend Paul Bernier, Co-Pastor in Solidum … Read More