FALL RIVER — Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., has authorized the formation of a new class for Permanent Deacons in the Fall River Diocese, beginning in the spring of 2019.

Those interested in pursuing the vocation of the diaconate, which begins with the Aspirancy period, are invited to submit a preliminary application. Details and the application form are available on the Permanent Diaconate website at www.frpermanentdiaconate.com.

Information meetings on the Permanent Diaconate will be offered at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 12, and Tuesday, August 28, with additional dates to be announced for the fall and winter. These general information meetings will delve into the process of becoming a deacon for the Fall River Diocese. The informational sessions will be held at Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Center, 121 Mount Pleasant Street in New Bedford.

If you have any questions, please contact either Deacon Frank Lucca or Father Robert Oliveira, who are co-directors of the diocesan Office of the Permanent Diaconate, by email at frpermanentdiaconate@verizon.net or by telephone, 508-990-0341.

Diocese of Fall River
Diocese of Fall River
Office of Communications