State of The Diocese of Fall River Report 2014-2019

Last Friday, we released a State of the Diocese of Fall River Report, 2014-2019. This publication is meant to provide all of you, our parishioners, benefactors, volunteers, and employees with a better understanding of how your support enables the mission of the Catholic Church in Southeastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod and the Islands.
As you’ll see in my introduction letter, unlike the previous Chancery Operations report, this document is designed to share a much broader perspective of the objectives, goals, challenges, and finances for the ministries in our Diocese. I hope you find it helpful to learn more about these many ministries, services, and offices that all serve to keep our Diocese moving forward in faith and hope —following Christ’s mission.  
I am so grateful for all of your prayers and support for the mission of our Church and the Fall River Diocese. Your time and dedication help make possible the expansive ministries and services highlighted in our State of the Diocese Report. You can find the report on our website at


Strategic & Pastoral Planning Update

As you may have read in my most recent Pastoral Letter – Reflections on Five Years – Continuing the Mission, our strategic planning process continues to move forward even in these uncertain times. It is during these moments that thoughtful and prayerful planning is so critical for the future of our Church. I am working closely with my leadership team and our Diocesan Pastoral Council to prioritize and act on many of the 65+ recommendations presented by our Commission Planning Teams. These teams, which included over 400 volunteers from across our diocese, presented their formal plans to me last September.
In order to keep everyone across the diocese updated on the status of the plans’ recommendations, we launched a website in March that includes background, the full planning documents, and a concise visual scorecard that shares how we are acting on many of the recommendations. I am so pleased with the progress we’ve made and fully recognize the hard work that lies ahead to keep moving forward. While this website is currently focused on diocesan-wide planning, we hope to add more ministries and perhaps parish planning activities in the future. 

When you have a spare moment, please visit to learn more. Your support in this work across our diocese and in our parishes is so important. Please know that you are all in my prayers, and thank you for all that you do.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Bishop da Cunha

Reverendísimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
Reverendísimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
The Bishop of Fall River