Pope St. Pius X Awards

People like the recipients of this year’s Pope Saint Pius X Youth Awards remind us that there is still good in our world. Good people, good actions, good deeds—genuine displays of generosity, concern, and compassion that still exist amid the evil and selfishness witnessed daily in our news. These forty-five young people represent just a fraction of the positive, encouraging, and inspiring works of service and faith happening across our diocese.

There are people everywhere doing good things to counteract the evil that others are doing. Let me give you one example. Jorge Muñoz is an immigrant from Colombia who lives in New York City and works as a bus driver. He gets up every morning at five a.m. and goes to work until 5 p.m. For many people, that’s when they go back home to be with their family to relax and recharge their batteries for the next day, not Jorge Muñoz. When he leaves work at five p.m., his new mission is just beginning. That’s when he and his sister start preparing food to serve the hungry people in the streets of New York. Every single day, he feeds an average of a hundred people every day of the week. The last time I heard, he had served approximately half a million meals, all with his own bus driver’s salary and a few donations that he gets from some restaurants and some generous people. He sees this as his mission: the best use of time, talent, and treasure in service to others.

For more information, including the names and parishes of those to be honored, click here.

We all have many skills and talents, each a precious gift from God. These gifts are not only for our personal use but also for the good of others. To be used toward the common good—to promote justice, peace, love, and prosperity among us. We see in our society today many gifted and talented people who use these gifts for self-promotion and selfish motives. True greatness comes from using everything God has bestowed to you for the common good, to lift others, and to bring happiness to others. You will discover this is where true happiness and fulfillment are found.

The most fulfilling and happiest moments are those where we are helping others, doing things for others, and making a difference in our communities, our parishes, our church, and our world. I want to share with you a beautiful Hindu proverb that reaffirms what I’m saying. This Hindu proverb says, “Rivers don’t drink their own water. Trees don’t eat their own fruit. The sun does not shine for itself, and flowers don’t spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature, and we all can learn. Learn from it. We are all born to help each other, no matter how difficult it might be. Life is good when we are happy, but much better when we share our happiness with others and make them happy, too.

We have an opportunity to experience the beauty that living for God, and others brings, a gift that, sadly, not everybody has discovered but may through seeing others live in the manner God calls each of us to. We could all learn from the example of Monday night’s youth award recipients. I pray that God will continue to bless each of them abundantly and strengthen their faith, generosity, and resolve to work to make a difference. 

Adult Confirmation

On Thursday, May 2, I was honored to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Mary’s Cathedral to the Confirmandi prepared through the Adult Confirmation program of our Diocesan Secretariat for the New Evangelization, as well as parishes throughout the Diocese. The Spring Confirmation Conferral Mass was livestreamed and is available for you to view here.

Images from the May 2 Adult Confirmation Conferral at St. Mary’s Cathedral

Lumen Christi Cathedral Gala

What a magnificent way to mark the Diocese’s 120th anniversary by coming together for a night in celebration of our Mother Church and helping Lumen Christi — the Light of Christ — continue to shine forth from the Cathedral and bless our Diocese and all the faithful within it. This year’s 3rd annual Lumen Christi Cathedral Gala will also honor Patrick and Lillian Carney

for their faith, service, and philanthropy. All proceeds from this event will support repairs and renovations that will help us shine the light of our beloved Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption for years to come. I pray you will consider joining me on Tuesday, June 18, at 6:00 pm at White’s of Westport. 

Highlights of Work Completed in 2023 and Next Steps:

  • The most damaged east-facing lancet stained glass panel was removed, restored, and reinstalled, along with new wood window frames and protective sheeting.
  • On-site analysis and the start of work on the Clerestory windows to help prevent additional water infiltration and protect the integrity of the stained glass.
  • Erect scaffolding and begin work on the Tower, removing the Bell and restoring the masonry, flashings, and frames.

Download/View the Lumen Christi Flyer

Download/View the Lumen Christi Invitation

Download/View the Lumen Christi Response Card

Yours in Christ,
Bishop da Cunha

O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
O Reverendíssimo Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
The Bishop of Fall River