Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for April 10 shares how the Diocese participates in April's National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month, including the April 30th Prayer Service for Healing.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for April 3 includes a reflection from this year's Chrism Mass as well as information on Divine Mercy Sunday and Monday's Annunciation of the Lord.
Bishop da Cunha's Easter reflection and video message for 2024; includes his (in-person and televised) Easter Mass schedule.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for March 20 thoughtfully reviews the upcoming Holy Week Liturgies, including the annual Chrism Mass.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for March 13 includes a few words of remembrance for Father Martin Buote. The blog also features the annual celebration of Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph as well as the Holy Week Chrism Mass.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog features encouragement for the half-way point of Lent and two special events to celebrate the Diocese's 120th Anniversary.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog shares the many ways the Diocese is participating in the National Eucharistic Revival.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog features a Lenten check-in and thoughts from his 2024 Wedding Anniversary Mass homily.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog features a very unique suggestion for journeying through Lent as well as a variety of Lenten resources.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog this week features an Episcopal Ordination, Pope Francis' Year of Prayer, and very special baseball (vocation) cards!