August Reflections Author: FR Diocese Bishop's Blog 21 Aug 2024 Share Bishop’s Annual Retreat Last week, I spent some time at the Franciscan Guest House in Kennebunkport, Maine, for my annual retreat with the other New England Bishops. About twenty of the bishops from Region I (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) were in attendance. The Retreat Master was Abbott Gregory Polan, O.S.B., Abbott Primate from Conception Abbey, in Missouri. Abbott Polan offered several talks on the theme of the Paschal Mystery, including: Where We Go on Retreat, Listening as a Way of Self-Surrender, Prayer and the Paschal Mystery, The Grace of Failure, The Weight of Glory, Blessing of Forgiveness, and Living the Paschal Mystery. He offered a Scripture passage related to each topic, stories, and reflections on each. The bishops found him to be a very engaging speaker as well as a deeply spiritual man of faith. As usual, additional blessings were found in the serene, peaceful surroundings of the Franciscan Guest House property and the fruitful conversations we engaged in during our shared meals and relaxation. I am so grateful for this annual time to recharge and refresh with my fellow New England bishops. FACE Summer Gala Last Friday, we had the annual FACE Summer Gala on Cape Cod. It’s always a wonderful opportunity to gather on a summer evening to socialize and enjoy a meal while at the same time supporting Catholic education. FACE is the Foundation to Advance Catholic Education, and proceeds from the Gala benefit a scholarship fund that provides need-based tuition assistance to students attending our Catholic schools in the Diocese. FACE brings the cost of a Catholic education within the financial reach of hundreds of families each year. The Gala features a silent and live auction, and the planning committee did a great job of pulling all the pieces together for a successful night. Tom and Pat Marmen of Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Osterville served as co-chairs for the event. Pat was for many years the principal of St. Pius X School in South Yarmouth. Each year during the Gala, I am pleased to present the Al Makkay Sr. Award to recognize someone for outstanding contributions to the Catholic schools of Cape Cod. The late Al Makkay Sr. was passionate about his faith and giving children in the Diocese of Fall River an opportunity to receive a Catholic education. With this award, his family continues his legacy. Our recipient this year was Father Christopher D. Hughes, who is parochial vicar at Our Lady of Victory Parish and Our Lady of the Assumption, both on the Cape, and chaplain at St. John Paul II High School and Preparatory Division in Hyannis. Father Chris is himself a 2013 graduate of St. John Paul II High School. As I shared when presenting the award, it is wonderful to see his journey come full circle from a young parishioner at Christ the King Parish in Mashpee and student at St. John Paul II to now chaplain at his alma mater where he is helping to shape the faith of youth in our schools today. I thank him for his dedication to the school’s students, faculty, and staff. Fr. Bryan Bangs (Photo Courtesy: Fall River Vocations Office) Update from Fr. Bryan Bangs On June 1, Fr. Bryan Bangs was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Fall River at St. Mary’s Cathedral. As I have done in previous years, I’ve asked for a few thoughts on his first months of priesthood. Fr. Bryan is currently assigned as Parochial Vicar to St. Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family Parish, in Falmouth. I thank him for taking the time to share this brief reflection: “Having been a priest for about three months now, I am filled with gratitude for the gift of my vocation. It has been a humbling experience to minister to God’s holy people, particularly through the celebration of the sacraments. I have found each sacrament to be uniquely beautiful and have especially found joy in celebrating the Mass and in hearing confessions. Being the celebrant of the Mass has deepened my appreciation of its sacrificial nature — that it makes present, in a hidden but real way, the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. It has been a real privilege to offer that sacrifice for the intentions and needs of the whole world, but particularly for the parish community that I’m a part of! Hearing confessions has been a beautiful experience as well. I get the opportunity to be a first-hand witness of God’s healing grace at work in people’s lives and then (by His power working through me) forgive their sins! I can’t think of anything more amazing than these two sacraments. I hope that many young men will seriously consider whether God is calling them to the priesthood. This vocation certainly demands personal sacrifice — as does every vocation — but I know that the sacrifices will be far outweighed by joy, peace, and spiritual fruitfulness in the lives of those truly called to it. Personally, I did not always find the journey to the priesthood to be easy; furthermore, I don’t know what joys and challenges are in store for me in the years ahead. But I trust that God will provide the strength and grace for me to be the priest He wants me to be — especially considering how many people are supporting me through prayer! For that, I am also deeply grateful.” Fr. Bryan Bangs Yours in Christ,Bishop da Cunha FR Diocese The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. The Bishop of Fall River Audio Version provided by Audible Local Ledger. Listen Now. 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