In this week's blog, Bishop da Cunha shares a reflection from Brazil, information about the Novena for Life and the Wedding Anniversary Mass.
As the new year begins, Bishop da Cunha reflects upon the year that passed in the Diocese of Fall River.
In this week's blog, Bishop da Cunha explores the World Day of Peace, the beginning of the Jubilee Year and Solemnities of Mary, Mother of God and the Epiphany of the Lord
This week's Bishop's Blog features Bishop da Cunha's 2024 Christmas Message.
In this week's Bishop's Blog, learn about international and local Jubilee 2025 pilgrimages, an update on the Fortitude initiative and how three parish communities came together as one in Christ to celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe.
In his blog this week. Bishop da Cunha shares details about his Pastoral Letter, A Time for Fortitude and ways to help priests and those in need during the Advent and Christmas seasons.
This week's Bishop's Blog features the Marian Awards and answers the question, Is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception a Holy Day of Obligation?
This week's Bishop's Blog features a Thanksgiving message, the FACE Fall Scholarship Dinner and the beginning of Advent.
This week's Bishop's Blog features the Safe Environment Report, reflections from the Bishop's Fall meeting, food for those in need at Thanksgiving and the correlations between Christ the King, Thanksgiving and Religious Freedom.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for November 14 features the State of the Diocese report, Professional Development Day for Catholic school employees, the Fall Bishops' meeting, and the upcoming FACE dinner.