Renewal, Pastoral Care, and a Sad Passing Author: The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Bishop's Blog 24 Oct 2024 Share A Time For Fraternity And Renewal I am finishing up this week’s blog during a break in our biennial Convocation of Priests in the Diocese. Our Ongoing Formation of Priests Committee hosts this Convocation as a time for us to gather — Bishop and Priests of our Diocese — as well as many from religious orders who are in active ministry here. Over the course of two days, we’re together for ongoing formation, continuing education, prayer, fraternity, and some relaxation. It’s a time for rejuvenation and renewal among brother priests. I am grateful to Bishop Daniel H. Mueggenborg of the Diocese of Reno, Nevada, who is with us as our presenter. His first talk, “The Courage of the Priesthood,” reflected on Blessed Stanley Rother‘s life and martyrdom. What a beautiful and powerful story he shared. Father Rother was an Oklahoma priest who joined his diocese’s mission in Guatemala to serve one of the native tribes. While the civil war raged, thousands of Catholics were killed, and Father Rother’s name eventually appeared on a death list. Initially returning to Oklahoma, he quickly returned to his ministry in Guatemala, stating that “the shepherd cannot run.” In 1981, shortly after his return, he was executed in his own rectory. No one was ever held responsible. Pope Francis officially recognized Father Rother as a martyr for the faith in 2016, and in 2017, he was beatified in Oklahoma City. He is the first martyr from the United States and the first U.S.-born priest to be beatified. Bishop Mueggenborg made the point that he was beatified not because of the way he died but because of the way he lived. For his second presentation, “Eucharistic Ministry and Priestly Discipleship,” Bishop Mueggenborg drew from the passage from the Gospel of St. Matthew on the multiplication of the loaves and fishes (Mt 14:13-21). He compared the response of the disciples to that of Jesus in the face of vast crowds needing to be fed. The disciples didn’t know what to do and wanted to dismiss the crowd so they could go and find food. Jesus did just the opposite; He knew what He was going to do. He received them and welcomed them. He was able to see their needs and provide for them. As ministers today, we must be careful not to dismiss people in their need. We must imitate the welcoming response of Jesus. Two more talks are scheduled before we conclude. I am thankful to our priests for making time in their busy schedules to take part in this gathering and to our faithful parishioners for understanding the need for their priests to be away. Please pray for us, your priests and bishop, that this Convocation will be fruitful and a source of spiritual renewal. Passing of Msgr. John Perry It is with sadness that I share news of the death of Reverend Monsignor John A. Perry, P.A., 87, of Fall River. Msgr. Perry died on October 22, 2024. Ordained to the priesthood on February 2, 1963, by Bishop James L. Connolly, he served in various parishes and capacities across the Diocese, including as Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia under Bishop George Coleman. He retired in June of 2013. Visiting hours will be on Friday, October 25, from 4:00–7:00 pm in Our Lady of Victory Church, 230 South Main Street, Centerville, where he was pastor for many years. A Funeral Mass will be celebrated there on Saturday at 11:00 am. Burial will be private.Let us pray for Msgr. Perry and his family. May he rest in the peace of the Risen Christ forever.I invite you to read the full obituary here. Celebrating Pastoral Care Week This week is Pastoral Care Week, providing hospitals and other healthcare institutions with an opportunity to recognize the spiritual caregivers in their facilities and the ministry that these caregivers provide. I was pleased to celebrate Mass at St. Anne’s Hospital in Fall River as part of its observance. St. Anne’s has a warm and inviting chapel, and members of the hospital’s pastoral care department were present for the Mass along with medical staff, administrators, and support staff. Hospital ministry is such a critical part of our Church’s ministry and outreach. I shared in my homily that the most important aspect of ministry to the sick is to be there for them, to be present at what is likely the most difficult time of their life. The greatest gift to give them is time and attention. While, in many cases, we can’t change the diagnosis, there is much we can do for the sick and suffering by our presence, our accompaniment, and our prayers. Visiting the sick and infirm— allowing them to talk about their situation—provides support and assurance that they are not alone. At St. Anne’s and throughout all hospitals in our Diocese, our chaplains and pastoral care ministers provide invaluable support through their visits, prayers, distribution of Communion, and by administering or coordinating the Sacrament of the Sick. I am deeply grateful to them for their dedicated service on behalf of the Church. Through their ministry, they are living out the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, offering comfort and grace to the sick and dying. Supporting Catholic Education FACE (Foundation to Advance Catholic Education) is hosting its 30th annual Fall Scholarship Dinner on Wednesday, November 20, at White’s of Westport. This event supports FACE’s mission to provide financial assistance to families seeking a Catholic education for their children in the Diocese, continuing the work of the St. Mary’s Education Fund. Since 1991, over $21 million in aid has been distributed to children in grades K-12 throughout southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod. RSVP Here: The dinner will feature guest speaker Matthew Leonard, an author and filmmaker known for his platform, “Science of Sainthood.” RSVPs are requested by November 6th. I hope you will join us. Click here for more details and to RSVP. Yours in Christ,Bishop da Cunha The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. The Bishop of Fall River Audio Version provided by Audible Local Ledger. Listen Now. Categories In the News Press Releases and Statements Messages from The Bishop Bishop's Blog Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Uncategorized Related Posts Press Releases and Statements 23 Oct 2024 Rev. Msgr. John A. 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