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Our Mission
We exist to help people encounter and proclaim Jesus Christ with less stress and greater impact. We do this primarily by serving parishes, schools and college campuses in equipping Catholics for the New Evangelization.
About Us

Our vision is for an invigorated Catholic Church in Southeastern Massachusetts, with mission-oriented disciples who can invite and form new disciples of every age and state of life.

In 2021, Bishop da Cunha established the Secretariat for the New Evangelization to bring together the work of the former Faith Formation, Campus Ministry, and Pro-Life offices in an effort to work for continual revival in evangelization.


David Carvalho
Secretary for the New Evangelization

Irina Robinson
Director of Family and Respect Life

Deborah LeDoux
Coordinator of Family and Respect Life

Oscar Rivera
Director of Youth Ministry

Deacon Christopher Paul
Director of Adult & Child Discipleship

Deacon Frank Luca
Campus Minister - UMass Dartmouth

Secretariat for the New Evangelization