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Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich, welcomes all to this three-evening Lenten Mission – “From Ashes to Glory,” to be offered at 6 p.m. on consecutive evenings, beginning Monday, March 4th. Father Michael MacInnis, the Director of Human Formation at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, will lead the Mission.

Topic and format for each evening is as follows:
Monday, March 4: “The Basics of Lent,” Eucharistic Holy Hour;

Tuesday, March 5: “Created in God’s Image,” Reconciliation Service;

Wednesday, March 6: “The Paschal Mystery,” Holy Mass

Join with Father MacInnis as he leads us in a reflection to deepen our Lenten Journey of Faith.

Holy Trinity Parish
  • March 4
  • 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
    • 246 Main Street (Route 28)
      West Harwich, MA 02761