Award recognizes parishioners for their dedicated service to the Church
This week's Bishop's Blog features the Safe Environment Report, reflections from the Bishop's Fall meeting, food for those in need at Thanksgiving and the correlations between Christ the King, Thanksgiving and Religious Freedom.
"Fostering a Culture of Protection" report shared with parishioners at weekend Masses
Highlights the ministries and services of the Diocese, notable achievements, information from the most recent audit, and more.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for November 14 features the State of the Diocese report, Professional Development Day for Catholic school employees, the Fall Bishops' meeting, and the upcoming FACE dinner.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for November 6 features Vocations Awareness Week, the 125th anniversary of St. Stanislaus parish, thoughts on election day and the installation of a new Archbishop in Boston.
Called by Name is an initiative to identify and encourage faithful young men to consider the priesthood
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for October 30, features the Called by Name initiative, Election Day 2024, mental health ministry, and All Saints and All Souls Day.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for October 24, features the biennial Convocation of Priests in the Diocese, the passing of Msgr. John Perry, and the celebration of Pastoral Care Week.
Served as Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for the Diocese and was a longtime pastor on Cape Cod