Holy Name Pastor Father Jay Maddock to be Honored by National Catholic Education Association Author: Diocese of Fall River In the News 27 Feb 2015 Share FALL RIVER — Father Jay Maddock, VF, who is pastor of Holy Name Parish, Fall River, and director of the parish school, will receive the 2015 Distinguished Pastor Award from the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) for his dedication and commitment to excellence. Father Maddock will be recognized during the annual NCEA Convention & Expo that will take place April 7-9 in Orlando, Fla. “This is the first full-time assignment I’ve had which has a parish school,” said Father Maddock, who has served at Holy Name since July 2010. “There are many challenges these days in running a parish school but the great benefit they bring to the faith of young people and their families makes it all worthwhile. “I accept this award on behalf of the countless number of priests, principals, faculties, staffs, parents, grandparents, and benefactors here in the Diocese of Fall River, who make so many sacrifices to see the mission of parish schools succeed.” Pastors, principals and teachers who have demonstrated a strong Catholic educational philosophy as well as exceptional ability, dedication and results, will be honored during the annual awards ceremony. “Catholic elementary schools have a rich tradition of dedicated pastors who inspire their communities with their leadership,” said Jim King, interim director of the Elementary Schools Department of the NCEA. “These awardees are a blessing to their communities. Catholic education reaches deserving families because of these pastors’ guidance and support.” Recipients for the NCEA Distinguished Pastor Award were selected from a slate of nominees submitted by teachers, principals, parents and school board members. Fall River Diocesan Superintendent of Schools Dr. Michael S. Griffin said that Diocesan Catholic Schools Office is very pleased that Father Maddock has been selected for this honor by the NCEA. “Father Maddock is a highly dedicated and supportive pastor for Holy Name School,” he explained. “He regularly gives of his time to be present at the school, to celebrate Mass with the students and faculty, to recognize student achievements, and to provide spiritual support and guidance to the school community. In addition, Dr. Griffin noted, Father Maddock is active with the school’s Advisory Board and administration, focusing on high academic standards, quality facilities and programs, and a strong Catholic identity in the school. “Father Maddock is representative of the many pastors and priests of the Diocese of Fall River who recognize the value of Catholic schools and give of their time and energy to help ensure their future for the benefit of our Church,” he said. The NCEA annual convention, held this year in collaboration with the Diocese of Orlando, is the largest private education association gathering in the country and draws participants from all facets of Catholic education. The event features professional development sessions, liturgies and an exhibition of educational products and services. Founded in 1904, NCEA is a professional membership organization that provides leadership, direction and service to fulfill the evangelizing, catechizing and teaching mission of the church. NCEA’s members include elementary schools, high schools, parish religious education programs and seminaries. Diocese of Fall River Office of Communications Categories In the News Press Releases and Statements Messages from The Bishop Bishop's Blog Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Uncategorized Related Posts In the News 29 Oct 2020 Foundation to Advance Catholic Education Announces Selection for 2020 Timothy J. Cotter Friend of Catholic Education Award FALL RIVER – For over a quarter of a century, the Foundation to Advance Catholic Education (FACE) has sponsored a fall dinner to raise money in support of scholarships for … Read More In the News 14 Sep 2016 Five to Receive St. Thomas More Award at Red Mass FALL RIVER — In 1997, while serving as Bishop of the Fall River Diocese, Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley, OFM Cap., inaugurated a Red Mass to invoke the Holy Spirit’s guidance … Read More In the News 9 Aug 2021 Five Priests to Retire This Month FALL RIVER — Five priests will retire from parish ministry in the Fall River Diocese this month after offering decades of service in the Fall River Diocese. To retire are … Read More