Parishioners Receive Update on Safe Environment Initiatives Author: Diocese of Fall River Press Releases and Statements 18 Nov 2024 Share FALL RIVER — The Diocese of Fall River has issued a report to provide an update on its safe environment initiatives. Entitled Fostering a Culture of Protection, the four-page document was shared with parishioners at November 16-17 weekend Masses throughout the Diocese. “In this report, I want to share with you what the Diocese has in place to foster a culture of protection throughout our entities and programs, with a goal of preventing any occurrence of abuse, and to respond effectively to allegations of abuse brought to our attention,” writes Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., in his introductory letter. The issuance of Fostering a Culture of Protection comes as the Bishop marks ten years of ministry leading the Diocese. “Over the decade, we have made great strides in implementing best practices and centering on accountability and transparency,” he explains. “While I am filled with sorrow for what was historically an inadequate response from Church officials, I want to assure you that the Diocese of Fall River today is focused on the safety of our community and instilling a culture of protection.” In the report, Bishop da Cunha expresses his deep sorrow to survivors of child sexual abuse who suffered and continue to suffer in many ways. “We as a Church failed you when you were most vulnerable. As a Diocese we are firmly resolved to do all we can to help you heal, make certain we are accountable, and protect our children so that no other child suffers as you have.” Bishop da Cunha emphasizes that remaining vigilant to protect children and vulnerable adults in the Diocese of Fall River is “our collective diocesan priority.” In summary, Fostering a Culture of Protection highlights the reforms instituted along with other steps taken in the past decade to prevent and respond to abuse and outlines the process followed when an allegation is made. It explains the key elements of prevention and response initiatives, the two primary pillars around which the safe environment enterprise in the Diocese is organized. Finally, the report offers an introduction to Carolyn Shipp, who serves as the Director of Safe Environment and Victim Assistance for the Diocese of Fall River and provides information on how to report abuse and access resources for additional information. The report calls attention to the outreach of safe environment efforts: Over the last ten years, the Diocese has conducted criminal background checks on and provided safe environment training to 35,000-plus clergy, employees, and volunteers. During that same period, an average of 15,000 youth per year have received training through an age-appropriate safe environment curriculum called Circle of Grace, which teaches children and youth important safety skills such as appropriate physical and emotional boundaries and taking action if boundary violations occur. All diocesan schools and parish Faith Formation programs are required to utilize the Circle of Grace curriculum. Also underscoring diocesan improvements in this area, the report notes that Voice of the Faithful, an independent lay Catholic group focused on ensuring transparency in the Church, ranked the Diocese of Fall River number three among 177 dioceses nationwide in its 2023 report, Measuring Abuse Prevention and Safe Environment Programs as Reported Online in Diocesan Policies and Practices. The Diocese scored 95 points out of a possible 100 in a review of 10 categories. You can read Fostering a Culture of Protection here. Diocese of Fall River Office of Communications Categories In the News Press Releases and Statements Messages from The Bishop Bishop's Blog Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Uncategorized Related Posts In the News 7 Jan 2021 Diocese of Fall River Releases List of 75 Clergy Accused of Sexual Abuse of Minors FALL RIVER, Mass. (Jan. 7, 2021) – Today, Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., announced that the Diocese of Fall River has published a list of 75 clergy who have … Read More In the News 1 Jun 2024 Bishop Coleman Remembered In the June issue of The Anchor, Bishop da Cunha, priests remember Bishop Coleman Read More In the News 13 Mar 2020 Diocese Responds to the Coronavirus Outbreak Updated February 14, 2022 The Diocese of Fall River has issued several statements in response to the coronavirus and shared resources as well. Please find below, in one place, a … Read More