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The Diocese of Fall River stands firm in its commitment to report abuse to law enforcement and cooperate with investigations. If you have been abused by someone representing the Church (priest, deacon, religious, employee or volunteer), we are sorry. We are here to listen and support you. We encourage you to report to law enforcement directly and report to the Diocese.

Reporting to the Diocese Option 1:

Contact Carolyn Shipp, Director of Safe Environment and Victim Assistance: 508-985-6508 (confidential voice mail) or  She can assist you in making a report and support you through the process.

Reporting to the Diocese Option 2:

File an online report through Awareity Incident Management System. Awareity is a comprehensive and confidential platform for reporting, tracking and documenting incidents and concerns. Through Awareity, you can alert the appropriate Diocesan staff to red flag behaviors such as:

  • Harassment
  • Boundary issues
  • Threats of violence
  • Concerning behavior by clergy, staff, or volunteers
  • Misconduct

The goal of Awareity is to identify red flags and warning signs before an incident occurs or escalates.

PLEASE NOTE: Awareity is not an emergency reporting system. Staff will respond in a timely manner, but it is not monitored 24 hours per day. If the matter concerns an urgent safety issue, please call 911.

To Report Misconduct by Bishops

To report misconduct by a bishop including both an allegation of sexual abuse and any cover up by way of actions or omissions intended to conceal information or to interfere with investigations, please contact the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service at or call toll free 1-800-276-1562. You may remain anonymous if you choose in both instances. The Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service will receive and relay those reports to the proper Church authorities for investigation.  Where a report includes a crime, such as the sexual abuse of a minor, it will also be reported to civil authorities.