This week's Bishop's Blog features the Marian Awards and answers the question, Is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception a Holy Day of Obligation?
This week's Bishop's Blog features the Safe Environment Report, reflections from the Bishop's Fall meeting, food for those in need at Thanksgiving and the correlations between Christ the King, Thanksgiving and Religious Freedom.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog features Annual Procession and Mass for Peace, a Catholic Charities update, and upcoming Sunday events.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog shares highlights of recent celebrations and an invitation to upcoming special Masses.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog includes many memories as it reaches a five-year milestone this October.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for September 26 includes many wonderful opportunities to come together in prayer across the Diocese.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for June 20th includes a recap of his time at the USCCB's June Plenary Assembly in Louisville, KY.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for April 24, introduces the 2024 theme of the 83rd Annual Catholic Appeal.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for April 10 shares how the Diocese participates in April's National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month, including the April 30th Prayer Service for Healing.
Bishop da Cunha's Building Faith blog for March 13 includes a few words of remembrance for Father Martin Buote. The blog also features the annual celebration of Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph as well as the Holy Week Chrism Mass.