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Catholic Relief Services Collection

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

This weekend the Catholic Relief Services Collection is taken up in parishes in the Diocese of Fall River along with those in most dioceses across the United States. This collection makes grants to six Catholic agencies that provide relief and support for struggling communities and work for peace and reconciliation among our marginalized brothers and …

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is a liturgical feast day honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary's motherhood in the wake of the birth of the baby Jesus Christ. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains the basis for this title for Mary. "Called in the Gospels 'the mother of Jesus,' Mary is acclaimed by …

Retirement Fund for Religious Collection

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

Help aging Religious. The annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection will be held Dec. 9-10 in the Diocese of Fall River. Senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have devoted their lives to prayer, service, and works of mercy. Most ministered for little or no pay. Today, their religious communities do not have enough retirement …

Retirement Fund for Religious Collection

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

Help aging Religious. The annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection will be held Dec. 9-10 in the Diocese of Fall River. Senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have devoted their lives to prayer, service, and works of mercy. Most ministered for little or no pay. Today, their religious communities do not have enough retirement …

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

This solemnity commemorates the fact that Mary, in view of her calling to be the Mother of Christ and in virtue of his merits, was preserved from the first moment of her conception from original sin and was filled with grace from the very beginning of her life. The official teaching of the Church says: “The …

All Saints Day

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

The Solemnity of All Saints, or All Saints’ Day, is a celebration of all Catholic saints held on November 1 each year. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. All Saints Day commemorates all the blessed in heaven, and is intended particularly to remember and honor the blessed who have no special feast. “On this …

All Saints Day

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

The Solemnity of All Saints, or All Saints’ Day, is a celebration of all Catholic saints held on November 1 each year. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. All Saints Day commemorates all the blessed in heaven, and is intended particularly to remember and honor the blessed who have no special feast. “On this …

All Saints Day

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

The Solemnity of All Saints, or All Saints’ Day, is a celebration of all Catholic saints held on November 1 each year. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. All Saints Day commemorates all the blessed in heaven, and is intended particularly to remember and honor the blessed who have no special feast. “On this …

World Mission Sunday

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

Today, parishes throughout the Fall River Diocese join with those around the world to observe World Mission Sunday. We are called through our Baptism to be part of the Church’s missionary efforts, through prayer, self-sacrifice, and support of the Mission Church through material aid. Participation in World Mission Sunday helps make possible the work of …

World Mission Sunday

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

Today, parishes throughout the Fall River Diocese join with those around the world to observe World Mission Sunday. We are called through our Baptism to be part of the Church’s missionary efforts, through prayer, self-sacrifice, and support of the Mission Church through material aid. Participation in World Mission Sunday helps make possible the work of …

World Mission Sunday

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

Today, parishes throughout the Fall River Diocese join with those around the world to observe World Mission Sunday. We are called through our Baptism to be part of the Church’s missionary efforts, through prayer, self-sacrifice, and support of the Mission Church through material aid. Participation in World Mission Sunday helps make possible the work of …

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary commemorates the taking into heaven of Mary, soul and body, at the end of her life on earth, a truth of faith that was proclaimed a dogma by Pope Pius VII on November 1, 1950. The feast, among the oldest and most solemn dedicated to …