Special Invitations Author: The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. Bishop's Blog 21 Jul 2021 Share Legatus Presentation On Wednesday, July 14, I was invited to speak by the New Jersey chapter of Legatus, which is an international organization of Catholic laymen and laywomen from the business community and professional enterprises, begun by Domino’s Pizza and Ave Maria University founder, Tom Monaghan. During my presentation, I shared my journey from being a boy from Brazil to being appointed a Bishop in Newark to eventually the Bishop of Fall River and the work we have done here in our Diocese. I also spoke to them about the upcoming Synod and the idea of Synodality as well as the Planned Eucharistic Project for the whole Church of the United States. My work as Bishop, the journey from living on a farm to answering my call to the priesthood, came first from recognizing God at work in my life. My vocation was fostered by my family, community, and a deep prayer life. When we speak about Synodality, even though it might be a new word, it is not a new idea. Though it was used in the documents of Vatican II, the concept was at the heart of the teaching and work the Council put forth. We are called to be a Synodal Church where every baptized person has an important role to play. In our baptism, each of us is called to use our gifts and talents to further the Kingdom of God and the mission of the Church. Synodality is the “modus vivendi et operandi” or the “way of life” and “way of doing things” of the Church and the People of God. We, in communion particularly through the Eucharist, journey forward together as evangelizing disciples. At the center of everything we do, the source and summit of our faith, is the Eucharist. A synodal Church is one where every Baptized person finds room and has an active role, would save our future, and protect us from the ideological extremism responsible for our current ecclesial polarization. Ask the Bishop For my July 28th blog, I would like to take the opportunity to answer what might be on your mind and in your heart. Please share questions regarding the Catholic faith, the work of a bishop, how God brought me from Brazil to Fall River, or any other question you might want to ask me. You can submit your questions by Monday, July 26th to planning@dioc-fr.org. I look forward to hearing your questions. I would also like to offer an invitation to the Hispanic Community of our Diocese for this special day of prayer and reflection at the LaSalette Shrine on August 7, 2021. Encuentro de Jóvenes y Sus Padres Este es un momento para volver a vernos como Comunidad Diocesana Hispana, ahora que el Covid-19 se ha calmado un poco, aunque todavía debemos cuidarnos y mantener las medidas necesarias para estar protegidos. Este evento tiene a los pequeños, a los jóvenes y a sus padres como invitados especiales, así como a ustedes, los jóvenes adultos. Celebraremos el heroísmo de haber enfrentado las dificultades del año pasado y agradecemos a Dios por la fuerza y la esperanza que continúa ofreciéndonos. Hay innumerables héroes en todo el mundo que sirvieron a sus comunidades y a sus familias, y muchos otros cercanos a nosotros que nos protegieron y cuidaron. Como todos los héroes, no buscaron la gloria, sino que actuaron de manera generosa, enfrentando la adversidad y abriendo el camino hacia una mayor salud, esperanza y paz. Veremos la vida de jóvenes santos de nuestro tiempo que actuaron en manera similar y que son modelos de alegría y valor para todos nosotros. Cantaremos con ellos, les rezaremos y seguiremos regocijándonos en su ejemplo. Para más información siguenos en Facebook: Comunidad Hispana de la Diócesis de Fall River Encuentro de Jóvenes y Sus Padres. Registrar aquí o Comunidad Hispana de la Diócesis de Fall River, Sr. Paulina Hurtado, O.P., tel. 508-675-1311 ext. 6533, sr.paulina@dioc-fr.org Yours in Christ, Bishop da Cunha The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D. 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