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Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Meeting

Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church 121 Mount Pleasant St., New Bedford, Massachusetts

The Diocesan Council of Catholic Women invites all women of the Diocese to attend this November meeting to feature guest presenter Father Michael Racine, pastor of the three parishes of …

St. John Paul II School Open House

St. John Paul II School 120 High School Rd., Hyannis, MA, United States

Preparatory Grades (5-8) Open House: 5-6:30 p.m. High School Open House: 6:30-8 p.m.

FACE Fall Scholarship Dinner

White's of Westport 66 State Rd. (Rte. 6), Westport, MA

Save this date for this, the 30th Annual FACE Fall Scholarship Dinner. Proceeds benefit the Foundation to Advance Catholic Education, or FACE. Details to be announced soon.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

This weekend, parishes throughout the Diocese and across the country will take up the Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection. In the United States, over 11% of the population lives …

Marian Awards Ceremony

St. Mary's Cathedral 327 Second St., Fall River, MA

Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., will present the Marian Award to nominated members of parishes in the Diocese of Fall River in recognition of their dedicated service to the …

Event Series O.C.I.A. Team Building Series

O.C.I.A. Team Building Series

Holy Family Parish Center 438 Middleboro Avenue, East Taunton, MA, United States

This is a two-session "team building" series for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (O.C.I.A.), sponsored by the Secretariat for the New Evangelization. This is as an opportunity for …

Retirement Fund for Religious Collection

Parishes in the Diocese of Fall River

Support those who have given a lifetime. The annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection will be held Dec. 7-8 in parishes throughout the Diocese of Fall River. Women and men …

Advent Women’s Retreat

Corpus Christi Parish 324 Quaker Meeting House Rd., East Sandwich, MA

Finding Hope in the Waiting is the theme of this year's popular Advent retreat offered for women. It will feature three keynote presenters: Sr. Jaime Mitchell is a Sister with the …

Family Advent Celebration

Father Peyton Center 518 Washington St., North Easton, MA, United States

Come for one or both parts of this Family Advent Celebration on Saturday, December 7, at the Father Peyton Center, 518 Washington St., N. Easton. Christmas craft, family sing-along and …