FALL RIVER − The office of the Pro-Life Apostolate & Project Rachel Ministry in the Fall River Diocese recently announced the launching of its new website, prolifefallriver.org.

“This website will provide an easy way for everyone within our Diocese to go online for quick and easy access to important Pro-Life  and Project Rachel resources including the 24/7 Project Rachel Hotline, upcoming events, and staff contact information,” explained diocesan Pro-Life Apostolate and Project Rachel Director Irina DeLucca.

The overarching mission of the diocesan Pro-Life Apostolate is to build and promote a culture of life, a culture that protects and preserves all life from the moment of conception until natural death. It carries out its mission through education and training, consultation services, and outreach programs like its Project Rachel ministry that provides pastoral care to women and men who have suffered from the loss of abortion.

Acknowledging that the site is still in its developmental stage, DeLucca explained in a recent interview with the diocesan paper, The Anchor, the urgency in launching it in the midst of the current pandemic so it could serve as a way to help minister to the community.

“This pandemic is one of the primary reasons we wanted to get the website live as soon as possible,” she said. ”We also plan to be posting video resources of how we can remain Pro-Life and keep our eyes focused on Christ in a time when many feel isolated and separated from the Sacraments and the Church.

“Our confidential Project Rachel hotline, Project Rachel email and resources are intentionally very accessible and we want anyone who needs our help, especially now, to feel comfortable reaching out.”

Going forward, the website will be expanded with additional content to cover the full spectrum of the Church’s Pro-Life teaching. DeLucca hopes it will serve as a reliable resource for anyone with questions on any Pro-Life matter. As she shared with The Anchor, “As people begin to ask us questions via the website or any other means, we intend to update the website with the information if it’s not already there.”

She noted her gratitude to everyone who assisted her office with suggestions and advice to get the site up and running.

DeLucca encourages anyone with questions to contact the Pro-Life Apostolate office especially anyone who may have reservations about accessing its available services.

“This can include women in crisis pregnancies or suffering from post-abortion trauma, but it can also be anyone (clergy included) who’s interested in learning more about different Pro-Life issues,” she said.

The Pro-Life Apostolate can be reached at 508-985-6509 and the Project Rachel ministry at 508-997-3300.

The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
The Most Reverend Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., D.D.
The Bishop of Fall River