70 To Receive Marian Medal on Sunday Author: Diocese of Fall River In the News 29 Nov 2021 Share FALL RIVER — Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., will award the Marian Medal to 70 laypersons from parishes throughout the Fall River Diocese at 3 p.m. on Sunday, December 5, at the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, 327 Second Street, Fall River. First presented in 1968, the annual award recognizes members of diocesan parishes for their dedicated service to the Church. Recipients are nominated for the award by their pastor. The medals will be blessed and presented in the context of Evening Prayer of the Church and Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Made of sterling silver, the Marian Medal is embossed with a Miraculous Medal on one side and the Fall River Diocesan coat-of-arms on the other. The Marian Medal Awards Ceremony will be streamed live on the diocesan Facebook page beginning at 3 p.m. on December 5. Please visit www.facebook.com/fallriverdiocese. The Marian Medal recipients for 2021 are listed below by deanery or area. Attleboro Deanery Manuel E. Desourdy, St. Theresa of the Child Jesus Parish, South Attleboro; Malte A. Ebeling, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Attleboro; Charles E. Hopkins, Jr., St. Mary Parish, Mansfield; Judith A. Hurley, Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish, Seekonk; David J. Iagatta, St. Mary Parish, Norton; Linda Nason, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Seekonk; James Spratt, St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Attleboro; and Manju Yoder, Transfiguration of the Lord Parish, North Attleboro. Cape Cod & Islands Deanery John F. Bangs, Jr., St. Mary/Our Lady of the Isle Parish, Nantucket; Patricia Benatti, St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Provincetown; Linda Bunker, Corpus Christi Parish, East Sandwich; Elda Carvalho, St. Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family Parish, East Falmouth; Lucile Cashin, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Wellfleet; Janet Holden, Holy Redeemer Parish, Chatham; Brian Kennedy, Holy Trinity Parish, West Harwich. Also, Michael Kondracki, Christ the King Parish, Mashpee; Cheryl Lagace, St. Margaret Parish, Buzzards Bay; Nancy E. Nevin, Good Shepherd Parish, Vineyard Haven; Joseph Prioli, St. John the Evangelist Parish, Pocasset; Judith M. Sullivan, St. Pius X Parish, South Yarmouth; Frank Sullivan, Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Osterville; Doris Toohill, St. Joan of Arc Parish, Orleans; and Eleanor Ubaldini, Our Lady of Victory Parish, Centerville. Fall River Deanery Alfred Paul Arruda, St. Dominic Parish, Swansea; Pedro Botelho, Espirito Santo Parish, Fall River; Robert Correia, St. John of God Parish, Somerset; Carol Costa, St. Thomas More Parish, Somerset; Linda DeMarco, St. Bernard Parish, Assonet; Filomena Furtado, St. Michael Parish, Fall River; Brenda Gagnon, Holy Trinity Parish, Fall River; Constance Lavoie, St. Joseph Parish, Fall River; Michael Leary, Holy Name Parish, Fall River; William Mathieu, St. Patrick Parish, Somerset; Manuel B. Medeiros, St. Anthony of Padua Parish, Fall River. Also, Mary Michaud, Our Lady of Grace Parish, Westport; Karen Plichta, St. Stanislaus Parish, Fall River; Darlene Richards, St. Louis de France Parish, Swansea; Marshall Ronco, St. John the Baptist Parish, Westport; Alan Silvia, Good Shepherd Parish, Fall River; Angela Stankiewicz, St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish, Fall River; Katheen Ann Sullivan, St .Francis of Assisi Parish, Swansea; Linda Trahan, St. George Parish Westport; and Liberal Viveiros, Santo Christo Parish, Fall River. New Bedford Deanery Susanne Auger, Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish at St. James Church, New Bedford; Joseph Booth, St. Mary Parish, Fairhaven; Donald Buckley, Holy Name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish, New Bedford; Paul Cabral, St. Julie Billiart Parish, Dartmouth; Robert Cattel, St. Rita of Cascia Parish, Marion; Lucy de Oliveira, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, New Bedford; Peter Deterra, St. Joseph Parish, Fairhaven; Jeanne Eagle, St. Anthony Parish, Mattapoisett. Also, George Gagnon, St. John Neumann Parish, East Freetown; Diana Henry, St. Francis of Assisi Parish, New Bedford; Yvonne Houtman, St. Lawrence Martyr Parish, New Bedford; Annemarie Kerney, St. Mary Parish, Dartmouth; Celia A. Pires, Immaculate Conception Parish, New Bedford; Arlindo A. Rodrigues, Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, New Bedford; Diane C. Sleight, St. Francis Xavier Parish, Acushnet; Theresa Tripp, St. Patrick Parish, Wareham; and Richard Wisniewski, St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish, New Bedford. Taunton Deanery Alex Alfieri, Holy Cross Parish, Easton; Ruth Andrade, St. Nicholas of Myra Parish, North Dighton; Paul Botelho, Annunciation of the Lord Parish, Taunton; Catherine Cahoon, St. Andrew the Apostle Parish, Taunton; Judy Corliss, St. Jude the Apostle Parish, Taunton; Charleen Dahlin, St. Ann Parish, Raynham; Martha Feliciano, St. Anthony Parish, Taunton; Polly Flores, St. Mary Parish, Taunton; Carol Murphy, Holy Family Parish, East Taunton; and David Lee Switzer, Immaculate Conception Parish, Easton. Diocese of Fall River Office of Communications Categories In the News Press Releases and Statements Messages from The Bishop Bishop's Blog Success Stories Photo Gallery Videos Uncategorized Related Posts In the News 7 Dec 2015 81 to Receive Marian Medal Award FALL RIVER — Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha will award the Marian Medal to 81 laypersons from parishes throughout the Fall River Diocese at 3 p.m. on Sunday, December 13, … Read More In the News 14 Nov 2016 81 to Receive Marian Medal from Bishop FALL RIVER — Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., will award the Marian Medal to 81 laypersons from parishes throughout the Fall River Diocese at 3 p.m. on Sunday, November … Read More In the News 27 Nov 2023 63 to Receive Marian Medal Award from Bishop FALL RIVER — Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, S.D.V., will award the Marian Medal to 63 members of parishes from throughout the Fall River Diocese at 3 p.m. on Sunday, … Read More